Monday, May 1, 2017

The Value of DIM

Diindolylmethane, or DIM for short, is a plant indole—a plant compound with health-promoting properties. DIM and other plant indoles are found in all cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Studies have shown that DIM has the ability to reduce the risk of certain cancers, especially those influenced by excessive estrogen levels, such as breast, uterine and prostate.

When DIM increases the ‘good’ estrogen metabolites, there is a simultaneous reduction in the levels of undesirable or “bad” estrogen metabolites. DIM contributes to a better metabolism in the most natural way possible by working with your own hormones and adjusting their action to avoid hormonal imbalance. DIM produces more ‘good’ estrogen metabolites, which compete with testosterone for protein binding, helping to maintain a slightly higher ‘free’ testosterone level. 

Free testosterone is testosterone that is more active. The ‘good’ estrogen metabolites along with increased free testosterone promoted by DIM increase fat mobilization and a fat-burning metabolism. 

DIM has three main benefits: 
1. Makes estrogen metabolize down the 2-hydroxy estrone pathway 
2. Frees up bound testosterone 
3. Acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor. 

Though still marketed as a dietary supplement, it turns out that I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) is not active in your body until it has converted into DIM. I3C is highly unstable and can transform into many other substances whose actions are undesirable. DIM, is the most active dietary indole in cruciferous vegetables, is a healthy stimulus for the beneficial metabolism of estrogen in men and woman. Maintaining healthy hormonal balance no matter your age improves how you look and feel. 

*The majority of this article is information obtained from the book “All About DIM” by Michael A. Zeligs, MD and A. Scott Connelly, MD. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Significance of Clean Labeling

Today, supplement manufacturers are expected to be transparent about the quality and purity of ingredients used in their products. With consumers focused on what goes into a product and how it may or may not suit their lifestyles, it is essential to convey claims such as non-GMO and gluten free on the supplement label. 

There is a good chance you choose practitioner-brand supplements with the assumption they are of the highest quality possible, regardless of the label. While your healthcare practitioner will recommend products that are trusted by professionals, there are additional steps you can take to ensure that the product is best suited for your lifestyle needs by paying attention to clean labeling.

Products with non-GMO and gluten free status are ideal for consumers with particular preferences or allergen sensitivities. Clear label indicators make it easier to know whether a product has been clinically tested and certified to meet industry standards for quality, purity, and safety you can count on. With this in mind, what makes one supplement cleaner than the other, and how does clean labeling help you determine what is in store with your supplements?

Clean and Cleaner Labeling

Third-Party Testing
How do you know what is really in your probiotic or fish oil supplement?

Ideally, the practitioner-brand manufacturer tests each product and follows rigorous standards to validate quality and purity claims, as well as gluten free or non-GMO status.

For example, a fish oil supplement should be tested for pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, furans, and PCBsall of which are concerns because some fish are prone to higher concentrations of these pollutants and toxins. Testing the fish oil via a reputable independent lab such as Eurofins and conveying results on the label is an indication of clean labeling.

Another test, known as ELISA, is used to detect protein, such as gluten. To be truly gluten free, ingredients must test no greater than 20 parts per million for gluten. A supplement manufacturer may take this even further and ensure their products are tested in amounts greater than 10 parts per million. When extra steps are taken to ensure accurate testing, it helps to uphold clean labeling standards.

Confirmation of Non-GMO Status
It is one thing to claim that a supplement is free of genetically modified organisms, and another when the manufacturer requires all vendors that supply ingredients to confirm the same. For ingredients that are oftes of ingredients used in the products.

Good Manufacturing Practices

Purity, safety, and quality in a practitioner-brand supplement should be identified and upheld by certifications that the manufacturer follows good n known to be genetically modified, such as soy or corn, the vendor should separately process and store these ingredients. Ideally, the manufacturer should require third-party certification that confirms non-GMO statumanufacturing practices. Certification by organizations such as the Natural Products Association or the Therapeutic Goods Administration should be conveyed on the label and are excellent indicators that the supplement manufacturer is serious about the product.

Clean Labeling Lives Up to Its Promise

Clean labeling is the standard for ensuring that the practitioner-brand supplement you purchase contains only what you expect it to. And while not every brand goes above and beyond with regard to extensive testing of product ingredients, you now have the knowledge necessary to make the best product selection possible.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Probiotics and Infant Health

Gut microbiota are trillions of microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that have many essential roles, including digestion and absorption of nutrients, protection against pathogens, and metabolic and immunologic programming. In infants and children, early establishment of a healthy gut microbiota (a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria) affects the development and maturation of the immune system, and thus may impact short- and long-term health outcomes. Negative influences on the establishment of a healthy gut microbiota and factors that decrease microbial diversity in infants and young children can have lifelong detrimental health impacts. Children exposed to oral antibiotics in infancy, for example, are more likely to develop atopic disease (e.g., eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis), food allergy, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, and early childhood obesity.

Probiotics are suggested to be supportive for infants and young children who have had negative influences on their gut bacteria. Strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are some of the most commonly used probiotics. Two specific strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®) and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 (BB-12®), have been extensively studied (individually or in combination) in multiple randomized controlled pediatric clinical trials. Below are just a few highlights of many studies:
·  In a study of 109 newborns (age 1-2 months until age 8 months) randomized to BB-12 [10 billion colony-forming units (CFU) daily] or control, BB-12 treatment decreased the risk of experiencing respiratory infections by 31%
·  A study randomized 81 infants (requiring formula before age of 2 months) to a formula containing LGG (10 billion CFU daily) plus BB-12 (10 billion CFU daily) or placebo until the age of 12 months; compared with placebo, LGG plus BB-12 significantly reduced the need for antibiotic treatment by 48% during the first 7 months of life and significantly reduced the incidence of recurrent RTIs by 49% during the first 12 months of life
·  Another study randomized 90 healthy infants (age < 8 months) in a residential care setting to BB-12 (> 100 million CFU daily) or placebo for 20-21 weeks; fewer infants receiving BB-12 experienced acute diarrhea and the mean number of days with diarrhea was significantly lower

·  In another study, 559 children (mean age 1.6 y/o) administered for acute watery diarrhea (57% tested positive for rotavirus) were randomized to oral rehydration solution (ORS) alone, ORS + LGG (20 billion CFU daily), or ORS + LGG (2 trillion CFU daily) for ≥7 days or until diarrhea stopped and the children were rehydrated; compared with the ORS only group, both ORS + LGG groups had significant reduction in the daily frequency of diarrhea from fourth day onward, significantly shorter mean diarrhea duration (by ~2 days), and significantly shorter hospital stay (by ~3.5 days)

Make an appointment today to learn more about probiotics for infants, children, and your entire family. Visit us at Advanced Health Clinic

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Getting the Best Benefit from Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a process in which the "remedy", as homeopathic's are most often referred to, stimulates and encourages the body’s natural healing forces of recovery. They are completely safe, non-toxic, non- addictive and safe for babies, the elderly and everyone in between. Because  homeopathic drops are infinitesimally small dilutions of mother tinctures they are  electrical frequencies rather than chemical medications. 
1.     For greatest effect your homeopathic drops should be taken first thing in the morning. If your toothpaste contains mint, please do not take your drops for 20- 25 minutes after brushing your teeth. They may also be taken throughout the day as long as they are taken at least 15 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after eating.

2.     Prior to taking your drops, succus your bottle 3-5 times by striking the bottle on the palm of your hand. Puddle the drops under your tongue, hold them for 1 minute and then swallow.

3.     If you are taking drops from more than one bottle you can take them at the same time. A second dose of each bottle may be taken 15 minutes after the first and so on, though you may prefer to spread the doses throughout the day. If you forget  a dose don’t worry, just get right back on track.

4.     The remedies are based in an alcohol/water or vinegar solution to prevent bacterial growth. If the taste is too strong you may dilute it in a small amount of filtered water. Drink plenty of water when you are taking homeopathic drops to facilitate your detoxifying process.

5.     Try not to let the dropper touch your tongue, teeth, or lips as that can contaminate the drops by introducing too much bacteria. If it does accidentally touch, before placing the dropper back into the bottle please: rinse the dropper under hot water, clean with hydrogen peroxide, rinse again with hot water. A good way to avoid this problem is to look in the mirror as you take your drops.

6.     Do not store your homeopathics within 3 feet of anything electrical. Energy fields emanating from appliances and batteries can change the frequencies in the drops in a few hours. A few minutes in an energy field is okay, but find a place to keep your drops safe. Also keep them out of direct sunlight and don’t leave them in a hot car. 

For more information, contact Advanced Health Clinic.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Healthy Oil Chart

Ever wonder what oil is best to use for what? This is a chart we have been handing out to our clients for years and they have found it to be very helpful. For  additional information for healthy lifestyle options, visit us at Advanced Health Clinic

Nutrient Content
Best Used For?
Temperature Restrictions
Flax Seed Oil
16% Omega 6 (LA)
57% Omega 3 (ALA)
great for salad dressings, also pour over grain dishes
use only in cold preparations, lower than 20°
Flax Seeds .
16% Omega 6 (LA)
57% Omega 3 (ALA), Also contains lignans which are anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer. Only 2% of the lignans found in flax seeds ends up in flax oil.
Can be used as an egg substitute in baking, (1 tbsp flax seeds ground with 2 tbsp water), grind over foods to enhance nutrient content.
Flax seeds offer excellent benefits, but no more than 6-8 tbsp of seed should be consumed per day. Also, take freshly ground flax seed with five times its volume of fluid.
Sunflower Oil
69% Omega 6 (LA)
Use in salad dressings, sauces and baked goods.
Use for low heat cooking, up to 212°
Sesame Oil
41% Omega 6 (LA)
Good for stir-frys, sauces, and marinades. Also may be used in baking.
Use for medium heat cooking, up to 325°
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
8%Omega 6 (LA)
Great with pasta, salads and in dips.
Use for medium heat cooking, up to 325°
No essential fatty acids, very stable, contains anti-viral and anti-cancer properties
Use for sautéing, in sauces and with pasta. Also may be used in baking, and as a butter substitute.
Use for high heat cooking, up to 375°
Coconut Butter
no essentail fatty acids, 89% Saturated Fats, contains anti-viral nutrients
Use for frying and as a butter substitute in baking.
Can use for high heat cooking, up to 375°
Safflower Oil
76% Omega 6 (LA)
Wonderful flavor for salad dressings, sauces and dips.
Use for low heat cooking, up to 212°,_ and baking at 325°

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thyroid Hormones Positively Affected by Selenium and Vitamin E Intake

High levels of stress can negatively affect the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones (T4, T3). This may result in reduced thyroid hormone activity (hypothyroidism) and various health challenges including weight gain, lethargy, reproductive failure, depression, irritability, memory loss, muscle weakness, and more serious long term effects such as congestive heart failure.

In an effort to counteract the negative effects of stress on thyroid hormones, researchers such as Dr. L. Yue and colleagues investigated the ability of vitamin E and selenium to support healthy thyroid function.

By observing the metabolic changes of T4 and T3 in experimental rats, Dr. L. Yue and colleagues sought to determine the relationship between selenium and vitamin E deficiency and thyroid hormone disturbances.

Rats were either fed a selenium and vitamin E supplemented diet or a selenium and vitamin E deficient diet for 8 weeks.

Upon conclusion of the study, the rats that were deficient in selenium and vitamin E demonstrated a 36% decrease in T3 levels and a 32% increase in T4 levels. This in comparison to the selenium and vitamin E-supplemented rats that had "significantly higher" levels of T3, according to Dr. Yue and colleagues in the Chinese Medical Journal.

This study, among others, demonstrates the role of vitamin E and selenium in protecting and ensuring thyroid health, helping to defend against the inevitable stresses of life.

Chin Med J 1998;111(9):854-57.

Advanced Nutrition Publications ©2002

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thyroid Synergy

 Order Now
Thyroid Synergy™ was designed to be a top-quality, all-in-one formula for the nutritional support of thyroid function. The non-stimulating adaptogenic botanical American ginseng (Panax quinquifolius) helps maintain healthy cortisol, blood glucose and insulin levels, along with a balanced conversion of peripheral thyroid hormone. Essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients work synergistically to provide a premium thyroid product in just two capsules a day.

Made with non-GMO ingredients.

As with all supplements, please check with your health care provider before starting a new health regimen. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.